Blutegelbehandlung einer Katze


There are consistent reports from different countries that sick animals (e.g. lame cows with painful joint problems) specifically seek out water containing leeches and patiently wait to be bitten. This can be explained by the fact that the animals are instinctively seeking the health-promoting effect of leech bites.

Blutegelbehandlung Pferd

Veterinarians also repeatedly report that animals behave patiently when undergoing leech therapy. This is undoubtedly also due to the fact that leeches apparently release analgesic substances into the blood and tissue at the beginning of the suction process. During the suction process, substances with anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects are also introduced. See also: human medicine. These substances are shown to have various therapeutic effects, including the promotion of blood circulation, pain relief, as well as anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory effects. So far, reports on the veterinary use of leech therapy have mostly been restricted to horses, dogs and cats.

Blutegelbehandlung Pferd Wärmebild Thermografie

Further information on leech therapy in animals can be found on the following website: