Biebertaler Blutegelzucht GmbH premises


Biebertaler Blutegelzucht GmbH premises


Where our leeches are reared, we make sure that they have everything they need to grow and thrive in a controlled manner. This happens in over 60 naturally designed ponds. You wouldn’t immediately suspect there were leeches in these surroundings: ponds with waterlilies, yellow waterlilies, water fern, flowering rush, bur-reeds and other plants.

The diverse biotope isn’t there just to look good: the main reason for it is that leeches are at their healthiest and most potent when they feel good. In addition, the leeches’ health and the water quality are constantly monitored. If you see our leeches, you will be delighted by their elegance and beauty.

Corporate video

You can find out even more about leech breeding at Biebertaler Blutgelzucht, our employees, research, etc. in our corporate video:

Imagefilm der Biebertaler Blutegelzucht GmbH

Zuchtraum der bbez

One of the breeding labs

“Healthy, potent leeches provide the optimal basis for leech therapy.“

We keep our home-bred leeches carefully separated from our imported leeches. The leeches are kept in quarantine under controlled conditions for at least 32 weeks. This serves to ensure patient safety when using our leeches for leech therapy. If you would like to visit us and our leeches, send us an email ( – we appreciate your interest and would be happy to arrange a guided tour for you!


Die Halle mit den Blutegelteichen

The hall containing the ponds

bi zuchtraum regale MG 0275 1684

Rainbow mood at the river Bieber